2009年4月19日 星期日

Susan Boyle --I Dreamed a Dream

英國星光大道 Susan Boyle 感人演唱 驚艷全場 I Dreamed a Dream

Susan Boyle,一個47歲的大嬸,和她的10歲貓Pebble同住在蘇格蘭一小鎮,一生平淡,據她所說一生從未談過戀愛,也未被男人吻過,自小就參加合唱團,之後最多也只曾在卡拉ok和教會唱歌。她參加了今屆的「Britain's Got Talent」,作為一個肥大嬸,頂著比黃嘉千在[光陰的故事]裡還抱歉的鳥窩頭她出場的時候無人理會,還顯得有點緊張。當毒舌評審Simon Cowell問她幾歲的時候,她答47歲,並叉腰扭動,說「要目光落在我身上」,引來評審的白眼及全場觀眾的叫囂....

Piers Morgan:
Without a doubt that was the biggest surprise I have had in three years of the show……When you stood there without... said "I want to be like Elaine Paige," everyone was laughing at.
No one is laughing now. That was stunning, an incredible performance.
Amanda Holden:
I am so thrilled because I know that everybody was against you.
I honestly think that we were all being very cynical and I think that's
the biggest wakeup call ever. And I just want to say that it was a complete privilege listening to that.
Simon Cowell:
I knew the minute you walked out on that stage that we are going to hear something extraordinary, and I was right.

